Th J B : A C(5 / 8)
owse about till daddie care
sg whistle owre the ve o&039;t
i a, c
sae rrily&039;s the banes we&039;ll pyke,
an&039; sun oursel&039;s about the dyke;
an&039; at our leisure, when ye like,
we&039;ll whistle owre the ve o&039;t
i a, c
but bless wi&039; your heav&039;n o&039; chars,
an&039; while i kittle hair on thairs,
hunr, cauld, an&039; a&039; sic hars,
ay whistle owre the ve o&039;t
i a, c
her chars had struck a sturdy caird,
as weel as poor gut-scraper;
he taks the fiddler by the beard,
an&039; draws a roosty rapier—
he swoor, by a&039; was swearg worth,
to speet hi like a pliver,
unless he would fro that ti forth
relish her for ever
wi&039; ghastly e&039;e poor eedle-dee
upon his hunkers bended,
an&039; pray&039;d for grace wi&039; ruefu&039; face,
an&039; the arrel ended
but tho&039; his little heart did grieve
when round the tkler prest her,
he feign&039;d to snirtle his sleeve,
when th the caird address&039;d her:
tune—“clout the cauldron”
y bonie ss, i work brass,
a tkler is y station:
i&039;ve travell&039;d round all christian ground
this y oupation;
i&039;ve taen the gold, an&039; been enrolled
any a noble sadron;
but va they search&039;d when off i arch&039;d
to go an&039; clout the cauldron
i&039;ve taen the gold, c
despise that shrip, that wither&039;d ip,
with a&039; his noise an&039; cap&039;r;
an&039; take a share with those that bear
the budt and the apron!
and by that stowp! y faith an&039; houp,
and by that dear kilbaigie,
if e&039;er ye want, or et wi&039; scant,
ay i ne&039;er weet y craigie
and by that stowp, c
the caird prevail&039;d—th&039; unbshg fair